April 23, 2023 is Senior Recognition Sunday. Northminster will recognize our Seniors during Sunday worship and offer them a blessing as they transition to a new chapter in their lives. Following the service, Seniors and their families and special guests are invited to a luncheon following worship. Seniors/Parents of Seniors: contact Major or the church office […]
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
Sanctuary Everyone is invited to attend this worship service which is centered around the Christ candle, celebrates Eastertide, and is led by our children.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a casserole, or a plate of cookies, we know how important these gestures are when we have something to mourn, or celebrate, or from which to […]
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a casserole, or a plate of cookies, we know how important these gestures are when we have something to mourn, or celebrate, or from which to […]
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a casserole, or a plate of cookies, we know how important these gestures are when we have something to mourn, or celebrate, or from which to […]
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Sunday, May 21, 2023 ~ immediately following the worship service ~ AGENDA: 1. Election of three members for the Committee on Committees. Nominated by the Deacons (Per the Northminster Bylaws, additional nominations may be made at the congregational meeting. It is requested that any member making a nomination from the floor do so […]
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a casserole, or a plate of cookies, we know how important these gestures are when we have something to mourn, or celebrate, or from which to […]
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a casserole, or a plate of cookies, we know how important these gestures are when we have something to mourn, or celebrate, or from which to […]
Come help show some love to this place that we love by joining the Landscaping and Grounds Committee in some work around the church. After we’re finished working, we’ll find something to fill our bellies.