Contact Lesley Ratcliff if you have further questions.
People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them. – Mark 10:13-16
Calendar of Events
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2 events,
Girls’ Scavenger Hunt
Girls’ Scavenger Hunt
First through 6th grade girls are invited for a Scavenger Hunt from 3:30-5:30 p.m.. We will meet at Northminster in the children's area. Contact Lesley at lesley@northminsterbaptist.org to sign up! […]
Atriums and Four5Six
Atriums and Four5Six
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is […]
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2 events,
Guys’ Scavenger Hunt
Guys’ Scavenger Hunt
First through 6th grade guys are invited for a Scavenger Hunt from . We will meet at in the children's area. Contact Lesley at lesley@northminsterbaptist.org to sign up!
Atriums and Four5Six
Atriums and Four5Six
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is […]
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Parents’ Night Out
Parents’ Night Out
Parents’ Night Out (PNO) is a free ministry offered to parents of the congregation who have children ranging in age from infancy through sixth grade. Drop your children off and […]
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1 event,
Atrium and Four5Six
Atrium and Four5Six
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
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Children’s Birthday Gathering
Children’s Birthday Gathering
Children who have a birthday this month are invited to stop by the Great Hall between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. to have ice cream with Lesley to celebrate. Feel free to bring a friend along!
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1 event,
Atrium and Four5Six
Atrium and Four5Six
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]