Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 p.m., Great Hall PRICES ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under) $5.00 MAXIMUM: $25.00 per family
Easter Egg Hunt
Everyone is invited to join us for the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Cookout in the Youth House Backyard! Watch the newsletter for more details.
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 p.m., Great Hall PRICES ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under) $5.00 MAXIMUM: $25.00 per family
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner and Communion
NORTHMINSTER’S ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER AND COMMUNION SERVICE Wednesday, November 20 5:30 p.m. ~ Great Hall The meal will be followed by a Thanksgiving Communion service. (Also, we will be collecting […]
Wednesday Night Supper
Supper is provided for a cost of $8.00 for adults, and $5.00 for children. Family maximum is $25.00. A brief Vesper service follows the meal. Come join us!
Wednesday Night Supper
Supper is provided for a cost of $8.00 for adults, and $5.00 for children. Family maximum is $25.00. A brief Vesper service follows the meal. Come join us!