Caregiver’s Support Mtg.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a […]
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 p.m., Great Hall PRICES ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under) $5.00 MAXIMUM: $25.00 per family
Northminster Essentials
Library If you are seeking to better understand the history and practices of the family of faith called Northminster, whether you are a friend of the church, a prospective or […]
Children’s Ministries Luncheon
Children and their families, and all children’s department teachers and their families are invited for a luncheon immediately after worship where we will look at an overview of Children’s Ministries, share our gratitude for those who lead our children in Sunday School and Sunday night activities, and talk about upcoming Children’s Ministries activities. Please RSVP […]
Atrium, SN456
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
Adult Studies
From Fear to Love: Spiritual Grounding in Anxious Times January 22 and 29; February 5, 19 and 26 5:30 p.m. in the Adult Education Building Jill Buckley and Margie Van Meter […]
Caregiver’s Support Mtg.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a […]
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 p.m., Great Hall PRICES ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under) $5.00 MAXIMUM: $25.00 per family
Northminster Essentials
Library If you are seeking to better understand the history and practices of the family of faith called Northminster, whether you are a friend of the church, a prospective or […]
Caregiver’s Support Mtg.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a […]
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 p.m., Great Hall PRICES ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under) $5.00 MAXIMUM: $25.00 per family
Youth Sunday
Youth will teach Sunday School and lead worship followed by a church-wide luncheon and dessert auction to raise money for youth trips.
Northminster Essentials
Library If you are seeking to better understand the history and practices of the family of faith called Northminster, whether you are a friend of the church, a prospective or […]
Lunch & Dessert Auction
ANNUAL LUNCHEON and DESSERT AUCTION! Sunday, February 19 11:45 a.m. ~ Great Hall You are invited to our annual luncheon and dessert auction. Admission is $5 for adults and […]
Atrium, SN456
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
Adult Studies
From Fear to Love: Spiritual Grounding in Anxious Times January 22 and 29; February 5, 19 and 26 5:30 p.m. in the Adult Education Building Jill Buckley and Margie Van Meter […]
Caregiver’s Support Mtg.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a […]
Turkey/Syria Earthquake Prayer Vigil
Dialogue Institute Mississippi would like to invite you to an interfaith prayer vigil for Turkey-Syria Earthquake victims hosted by Northminster Baptist Church. In the Great Hall.
2023 Northminster Women’s Retreat
Memoirs and Meaning Friday, February 24 – Sunday, February 26 Eagle Ridge Conference Center – Raymond, MS We will explore stories from memoirs and from Scripture, and listen to one another’s […]
Northminster Essentials
Library If you are seeking to better understand the history and practices of the family of faith called Northminster, whether you are a friend of the church, a prospective or […]
Atrium, SN456
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
Adult Studies
From Fear to Love: Spiritual Grounding in Anxious Times January 22 and 29; February 5, 19 and 26 5:30 p.m. in the Adult Education Building Jill Buckley and Margie Van Meter […]
Caregiver’s Support Mtg.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a […]
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 p.m., Great Hall PRICES ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under) $5.00 MAXIMUM: $25.00 per family
Parents’ Night Out
Parents’ Night Out (PNO) is a free ministry offered to parents of the congregation who have children ranging in age from infancy through sixth grade. Drop your children off and go out on the town with an easy mind, knowing that the children are safe at church being nurtured and having lots of fun. If […]
Northminster Essentials
Library If you are seeking to better understand the history and practices of the family of faith called Northminster, whether you are a friend of the church, a prospective or […]
Guys vs. Girls Game Day
First through 6th graders are invited for a play date in Northminster's Backyard.
Atrium, SN456
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
Adult Studies
ADULT STUDIES Do You Hear What I Hear? Let the Psalms sing to you in a small group setting! Participants are invited to Form your own group, of whatever size […]
Caregiver’s Support Mtg.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a […]
Children’s Birthday Gathering!
Children’s Birthday Gathering Children who have a birthday this month are invited to stop by the Great Hall between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. to have ice cream with Lesley to celebrate. Feel free to bring a friend along!
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 p.m., Great Hall PRICES ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under) $5.00 MAXIMUM: $25.00 per family
Caregiver’s Support Mtg.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a […]
Youth Movie Night
Stay tuned. More info. coming.
Youth Spring Break Lanes
at Highball Lanes. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a Strike!
Committee Chair Meeting
GH - For all Committee Chairs
Sunday Nights at the Youth House
SUNDAY NIGHTS @ THE YOUTH HOUSE: We meet in the Youth House from 5:00-6:30 p.m. for all 7-12th graders. We'll have dinner, games, music, and a devotion We hope you can be there!
Atrium, SN 456
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
Adult Studies
ADULT STUDIES Do You Hear What I Hear? Let the Psalms sing to you in a small group setting! Participants are invited to Form your own group, of whatever size […]
Caregiver’s Support Mtg.
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a […]
Missions Committee Meeting
Room 204
Women’s Lenten Gathering
Join us in the Great Hall for a time of reflection and creativity, led by Amy Williams and Lesley Ratcliff as we explore Lenten questions through reflection and creativity. A […]
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper 5:30 p.m., Great Hall PRICES ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under) $5.00 MAXIMUM: $25.00 per family
Sunday Nights at the Youth House
SUNDAY NIGHTS @ THE YOUTH HOUSE: We meet in the Youth House from 5:00-6:30 p.m. for all 7-12th graders. We'll have dinner, games, music, and a devotion We hope you can be there!
Atrium, SN 456
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is a time when children are invited to wonder at the mysteries of our faith and search for our purpose in God's plan using the Montessori […]
Adult Studies
ADULT STUDIES Do You Hear What I Hear? Let the Psalms sing to you in a small group setting! Participants are invited to Form your own group, of whatever size […]