Week of Events
Women’s Retreat
SAVE THE DATE! Northminster Women’s Retreat Friday, January 24— Sunday, January 26 Eagle Ridge Conference Center - Raymond, MS Cost should never keep someone from attending. If there is a need for a scholarship, please contact Lesley Ratcliff. To register, call 601-982-4703. Questions? Contact Lesley Ratcliff at lesley@nothminsterbaptist.org or 601-927-0259.
NM Essentials Class
NM Essentials Class
The Northminster Essentials Class begins Sunday, January 19 (Class meets for 6 Sundays and concludes March 2) 9:15 a.m. ~ Sunday School Hour ~ Library Whether you are a friend […]
Sunday School
Congregational Meeting
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, January 26 immediately following the worship service Agenda Recommendation from Search Committee for Associate Pastor for Senior Adults: Marty Harper Election of Members to Committee on Committees: Deacon Nominees: Doug Boone Anna Frame Matt Thames Additional nominations may be made at the time of the meeting; however, please do so only after securing the […]
Girls’ Scavenger Hunt
Girls’ Scavenger Hunt
First through 6th grade girls are invited for a Scavenger Hunt from 3:30-5:30 p.m.. We will meet at Northminster in the children's area. Contact Lesley at lesley@northminsterbaptist.org to sign up! […]
Atriums and Four5Six
Atriums and Four5Six
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is […]
Youth Group
Adult Studies
Adult Studies
5:30 p.m. in the Great Hall January 26: The Lent, Easter, and Pentecost Cycle Living the Story: A History of the Liturgical Calendar The Christian Year, also known as the […]
Caregiver’s Support
Caregiver’s Support
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a casserole, or a plate of cookies, we know how important these gestures are when we have something to mourn, or celebrate, or from which to […]
Meals on Wheels
Adopt-A-School Comm. Mtg.
Men’s Bible Study
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper
So much of the biblical story happens around a table, because so much of life happens around a table. Tables are miraculous in the way they introduce us to each […]
Choir Rehearsal
Stewminster Basketball
Stewminster Basketball
Seventh and eighth grade boys from Northminster and Stewpot will meet to play basketball. Games will be played at Madison Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. each Thursday in January and […]
Youth Cook for Stewpot
Youth Cook for Stewpot
Youth will gather in the Great Hall kitchen and prepare a meal to be served at Stewpot, then eat lunch together.