Week of Events
Living Nativity Practice
Living Nativity Practice
Children in three years old through sixth grade are invited to participate in the Living Nativity. Practices will be held in the Choir Room on Sunday Mornings during Advent from […]
Sunday School
Youth Comm. Mtg.
Youth Group
Atriums and Four5Six
Atriums and Four5Six
Children age 3 through Kindergarten are invited to participate in the preschool Atrium, and the 1st through 3rd graders are invited to participate in the elementary Atrium. The atrium is […]
Caregiver’s Support
Caregiver’s Support
Meets in L/CR At one time or another, we will be on the receiving side of the Caregiving Ministry at Northminster. Whether we receive a call, a prayer card, a casserole, or a plate of cookies, we know how important these gestures are when we have something to mourn, or celebrate, or from which to […]
Meals on Wheels
Men’s Bible Study
Wednesday Night Supper
Wednesday Night Supper
Supper is provided for a cost of $8.00 for adults, and $5.00 for children. Family maximum is $25.00. A brief Vesper service follows the meal. Come join us!
Choir Rehearsal
Children’s Birthday Gathering!
Children’s Birthday Gathering!
Children’s Birthday Gathering Children who have a birthday this month are invited to stop by the Great Hall between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. to have ice cream with Lesley to […]
Unpack boxes for Boarding Homes
Choir Rehearsal with orchestra
Youth Cook for Stewpot
Youth Cook for Stewpot
Youth will gather in the Great Hall kitchen and prepare a meal to be served at Stewpot, then eat lunch together.